What is luminous ashtray


Luminous ashtray has an ability to glow autonomously in the dark after being charged from any source of light. No extra illumination is needed in order to get a glow effect. Glow in the Dark Ashtray can be charged by an ordinary room light, lamp, flashlight, ultraviolet, Sun, etc. Charging time is extremely short. 5-10 minutes of light accumulation results in self-glow in the dark for up to 6-7 hours considering the extinction.

There are three different materials glow in the Dark Ashtray can be made of:

  1. Clear glass ashtrays. The most popular kind. They provide the better glow effect after the special paint is applied, due to the fact that they get charged from every side. That means, it takes less to time to get the maximum energy. 

  2.  Ceramic light-accumulative ashtrays. It is a decorative accessory made of white or light opaque ceramics. That elegant-looking ashtray perfectly accumulates the light energy.

  3. Wooden ashtrays. Cigarette ashtray for home of that type usually have a unique shape and are produced in small batches. They are often handmade. That's why every ashtray has its own special unique design, implemented by a master.

  4. Coughing ashtray or as it is usually called - Lung Ashtray. Bottom of that awesome gift to order grinders online has a form of smokers’ lungs, that helps smoker to discourage the habit. What is interesting, after shaking off the ashes, the lungs start to cough while emitting a shrill sound.

  5. Illuminated ashtray is a unique souvenir with a lid. Right after we open the upper lid - the light turns on (two or three LEDs), illuminating the small area around the gadget.

For more details on this, please browse www.theswlstore.com.



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